Shout out to Hunter and Bjorn
as per the broys: "Hunter and I went to a music store in san francisco called the haight ashbury music center. This store has wide variety of musical instruments, but in the back, they had a whole room filled with synthesizers. We start by playing the theremin because hunter loves theremins. Then we see the OG synth: THE 1979 MINIMOOG. We collapse onto it and start fiddling with all the keys and knobs. After about 10 min of playing with it, a store worker comes in and says do you need any help? We say no, and then he just stands there looking at us. From then on, every key we pressed he thought we were going to break it. We take a pause from playing the moog and ask the store worker if he knows how to play it. He says yeah and starts doing fuck all with it. Just twiddling every knob and pressing all the keys until suddenly, it stops playing anything. He starts twisting all the knobs trying to fix it for like 5 minutes and then just stares and says, "whoops, must be a broken oscillator." We stood there looking at him like ok you don't know this instrument at all and you work at the hippie guitar center. The store worker walked away to help someone else, so we gave it a look. We turned one knob and the synth was working again. This gave hunter and I the philosophy of broken oscillators."